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Carine Knapen

speech van Robert. F. Kennedy

Uittreksel van de speech van Robert. F. Kennedy NA zijn aanwezigheid op de manifestatie te Berlijn op 28.08.2020

Bron: Youtube

Uittreksel van de speech van Robert. F. Kennedy NA zijn aanwezigheid op de manifestatie te Berlijn op 28.08.2020 ( volledig in de lijn van mijn eigen bevindingen na analyse en onderzoek )

" They are inventing numbers. They cannot tell you what the case fatality rate for COVID is. That's basic. They cannot give us a PCR test that actually works. They have to change the definition of COVID on the death certificates, constantly, to make it look more and more dangerous. The one thing that they're good at is pumping up fear."

Hieronder zijn volledige toespraak ( met dank aan Karlien Collen)

"Back at home, in the United States, the newspapers are saying that I came here today to speak to about 5,000 Nazis. Tomorrow, they are going to report that, yes, I was here, that I spoke to maybe 3,000 to 5,000 Nazis.

But I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people who love democracy. People who want open government. People who want leaders who are not going to lie to them. People who want leaders who will not make up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate the obedience of the population.

We want health officials who don’t have financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry - who are working for us. We want officials who care about our children’s health, and not about pharmaceutical profits or government control.

I look at this crowd, I see all the flags of Europe. I see people of every color, I see people from every nation, every religion. All caring about human dignity, about children’s health, about love of freedom. This is the opposite of Nazism.

Governments love pandemics. They love pandemics for the same reason they love war. Because it gives them the ability to impose controls on the population that the population would otherwise never accept. Creating institutions and mechanisms for orchestrating and imposing obedience.

I will tell you something: it is a mystery to me, how all these big, important people like Bill Gates and Tony Fauci were planning and thinking about this pandemic for decades. Planning it so that we would all be safe when the pandemic finally came. And yet, now that it is here, they don’t seem to know what they are talking about. They seem to be making it up as they go along. They're inventing numbers. They cannot tell you what the case fatality rate for COVID is. That's basic. They cannot give us a PCR test that actually works. They have to change the definition of COVID on the death certificates, constantly, to make it look more and more dangerous. The one thing that they're good at is pumping up fear.

75 years ago, Hermann Göring testified at the Nuremberg Trials. And he was asked: 'How did you make the German people go along with all this?' And he said, 'It’s an easy thing. It has not anything to do with Nazism. It has to do with human nature. You can do this in a Nazi regime. You can do it in a socialist regime. You can do it in a communist regime. You can do it in a monarchy and a democracy. The only thing a government needs to make people into slaves is fear. And if you can figure out something to make them scared, you can make them do anything that you want.'

50 years ago, my uncle John Kennedy came to this city because Berlin was the frontline against global totalitarianism. And today again, Berlin is the frontline against global totalitarianism. My uncle came here and he proudly said to the people of Germany: 'Ich bin ein Berliner'. "

"Today, all of us who are here today can proudly say once again: 'Ich bin ein Berliner'. Because you are the frontline against totalitarianism."
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