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In the 1970s, climate scientists warned that we were heading straight for a new ice age, the Earth's Northern Hemisphere would cool very sharply and kill millions. This even made the cover of Time Magazine.

This prediction remained a prediction. The same scientists then started screaming out loud that CO2 pollution would warm up the earth, melt the ice caps and that the sealevel would rise several metres and flood a lot of land. According to predictions by clairvoyants, this great catastrophe would happen in the year 2000. Maps were drawn, indicating the places in the world that would still be habitable after the Great Flood. One such place was, reportedly, the Tafelenberg in South Africa where property developers immediately started building survival bunkers that were sold like sweet rolls for a lot of money to the rich of the earth.

The predicted deluge did not take place either. However, the global warming cult, with the UN and its IPCC panel in its footsteps, have in recent years become increasingly persistent in their claims about the alleged effects of global warming allegedly caused by CO2 pollution. It is yet another lie.

The US NOAA ( National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration ) has been collecting sea level data since the 19th century.

It has more than 200 monitoring stations along the US coasts as well as in the Gulf of Mexico, seven Pacific island groups and six Atlantic island groups.

All the data collected by NOAA shows that ocean levels have generally remained the same for centuries, regardless of CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

If a minuscule rise in the ocean level is observed, it is over an entire century, or a 100-year time frame, and that rise is not even correlated with the CO2 level in the atmosphere.

Tectonic activity, hurricane damage, the El Nino effect and changes in ocean currents are uncontrollable variables that affect sea level measurements but have no impact on the results if viewed over the long term.

The NOAA tide gauge in Battery, New York exists since 160 years. A slow, steady rise in sea level has been observed here, but the rise is minuscule: 33 cm per century. At the Californian coastal towns of San Diego, Los Angeles, La Jolla and San Francisco, the average sea level rise is about four to nine centimetres per century, but this minuscule rise has nothing to do with CO2 levels in the atmosphere.

The minuscule rise cannot be linked to rising CO2 levels because the rise has occurred both in non-industrial times and in later industrial times with high CO2 emissions.

The first measured rise was in 1855 or long before the Industrial Revolution and the existence of coal power plants, cars, diesel trucks, private jets etc....

Moreover, the rise in water level also took place averse to the sharp rise in temperature or in reverse, the cooling.

There is no evidence of a 10-foot ( or 3.3-metre ) rise in sea level, as predicted by former NASA scientist James Hansen but contradicted by a whole lot of other scientists who are, however, not given a platform.

One of the most interesting sea level trends over the past century is that in Sitka, Alaska. Sea level here has been steadily falling, not rising, over the past few decades. If the trend continues, sea level here will fall about 30 cm over the next 100 years. The funny thing about the whole story is that climate activists claim that Sitka, which is 100 miles from Glacier Bay, will be the first place where the " massive sea level rise" will be visible, when just the opposite is happening.

The only real threat that people will have to adapt to, according to NOAA, is the threat of hurricanes along densely populated coasts. Coastal cities do not have to worry about melting glaciers and rising tides for tens of thousands of years, but they do face the natural threat of hurricanes and tsunamis.

Still according to NOAA, cities built on active volcanoes are perhaps the most relevant threat due to natural tectonic activity.

NOAA does not comment on how tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes can occur.

The CO2 hoax takes absurd proportions when one considers that it is known since long that oceans absorb 10-20 billion tonnes of CO2 per year and clean the air.

Even the WEF did a promotional report on it on 01 October 2020, reporting in bold letters that oceans absorb 25% of total CO2 emissions and, according to new figures, this could be quite a bit more.

Add to that the CO2 converted into oxygen by trees ( which makes CO2 a necessary substance for humans because without or too little CO2 no oxygen )

it is clear to everyone that the climate crisis is not what is claimed.



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